UDDS CLIENT - API Documentation version 4.01 ( 2022.04.22 )

About UDDS Client

Complex types



Online booking and payments


TsearchParams ( structure )

Description :

  • Class element : data type
  • Type : array()

Offer search parameters

  1. countryRegion : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Single elment is a pair of two values, e.g.: "Egipt,Hurghada" (offers specific for Hurghada) or "Egipt," (all offers for Egipt)
    Sample dump :
          [countryRegion] => Array
                [0] => Bułgaria,
                [1] => Chorwacja,
                [2] => Egipt,
                [3] => Hiszpania,Gomera
                [4] => Hiszpania,Ibiza
                [5] => Kuba,Hawana
                [6] => Kuba,Varadero
                [7] => Kuba,Wyc. Objazdowe
  2. country : array() of strings
    DEPRECATED please use countryRegion

    ( not recommended, countryRegion is preferable)
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Sample dump :
          [country] => Array
                [0] => Grecja
                [1] => Chorwacja
                [2] => Hiszpania
  3. region : array() of strings
    DEPRECATED please use countryRegion

    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    ( not recommended, countryRegion is preferable)
    Sample dump :
          [region] => Array
                [0] => Hurghada
                [1] => Kreta
                [2] => Korfu
  4. city : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Using this field makes collision with 'xCityFts' filed.
    Sample dump :
          [city] => Array
                [0] => Hurghada
                [1] => Barcelona
                [2] => Praga
  5. departureFrom : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Sample dump :
          [departureFrom] => Array
                [0] => Katowice
                [1] => Warszawa
  6. departureDateFrom : string
    required date format : YYYY-MM-DD. UDDS will return all offers where departure date >= this value.
    Sample dump :
          [departureDateFrom] => 2011-06-07
  7. departureDateTo : string
    required date format : YYYY-MM-DD. UDDS will return all offers where departure date <= this value.
    working only with departureDateFrom

    Sample dump :
          [departureDateTo] => 2011-06-07
  8. returnDateTo : string
    required date format : YYYY-MM-DD. UDDS will return all offers where return date <= this value.
    Sample dump :
          [returnDateTo] => 2011-06-07
  9. adults : integer
    specifies the number of adults.
    Sample dump :
          [adults] => 2
  10. children : array() of integer
    It is possible to set multiple values. Array with the age of each child. '0' for infant.
    Sample dump :
          [children] => Array
                [0] => 0
                [1] => 13
                [2] => 11
  11. feeding : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Sample dump :
          [feeding] => Array
                [0] => Bez wyżywienia
                [1] => Wszystko w cenie
                [2] => Śniadanie
  12. category : array() of integer
    value determines range of hotel category. First element in the array is "category range form", second element in the array is "category category range to".
    Value set in the array should be an integer. The value of the category should be multiplied by 10. For instance categories from ** to **** should be represented by 20,30 values​​.
    Sample dump :
          [category] => Array
                [0] => 20
                [1] => 40
  13. transport : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. Value specifies transport types. Permissible values :
    samolot, tylko samolot, autokar, tylko autokar, wlasny, pociag
    Sample dump :
          [transport] => Array
                [0] => autokar
                [1] => samolot
  14. price : array() of integer
    value specifies price range. Values should be multiplied by 100.
    Sample dump ( price from 0 zł to 500 zł ) :
           [price] => Array
                [0] => 0
                [1] => 50000

    Sample dump ( price from 4000 zł to 5000 zł ) :
          [price] => Array
                [0] => 400000
                [1] => 500000

    Sample dump ( price over 5000 zł ) :
            [price] => Array
                [0] => 500000
  15. offerName : array() of strings
    Search for offers by offerName. Although the parameter is an array only one parameter can be set.
    Sample dump:
           [offerName] => Array
                [0] => golden beach
  16. attributes : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Sample dump:
          [attributes] => Array
                [0] => Animacje dla dorosłych
                [1] => Jazda konna
                [2] => Klimatyzacja
                [3] => Nurkowanie
                [4] => Sport
                [5] => Żeglarstwo
  17. offerType : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    offerType list. Permissible values :
    • apartament ( AP - Apartament )
    • hotel ( H - Hotel )
    • rejs ( K - Rejsy )
    • dom ( FW )
    • przelot ( NF - Sam przelot )
    • pakiet77 ( P Pakiety 7+7 )
    • pakiet77hotel ( PH - Pakiety 7+7 z hotelem )
    • pakiet77objazdowa ( PR - Pakiety 7+7 objazdowe )
    • objazdowa ( R - Objazdówka )
    • imprezySportowe ( TX - Bilety Imprezy sportowe itp )
    • kolonie ( OM )
    • camping ( CP )
    • sanatorium ( SK )
    • studyTour ( CD )
    • pielgrzymka ( SW )
    • bezPowrotu ( OW )

    Sample dump:
          ['offerType'] => Array
                [0] => objazdowa
                [1] => rejs
  18. length : array() of integer
    Specifies duration of the trip. First element of array is "duration from" second element is "duration to".
    If you want use length value from UDDS response functions ('getOffer','getOfferList'). You have to take length value from 'lengthM' field.
    'lengthM' is MerlinX value.

    Sample dump ( from 3 to 5 days ):
          [length] => Array
                [0] => 3
                [1] => 5

    Sample dump ( 21 days or more):
          [length] => Array
                [0] => 21
  19. rating : array() of integer
    Specifies hotels rating range. First element of array is "rating from" second element is "rating to". Values should be multiplied by 10.
    Sample dump ( from 3 to 10 points ):
          [rating] => Array
                [0] => 30
                [1] => 100
  20. gps : array() of strings
    Search for hotels using gps coordinates. First element of array is latitude. Second element of array element is longitude. Third element is radius. Unit for radius parameter is a kilometer.
    Sample dump :
          [gps] => Array
                [0] => 35.76171636516409
                [1] => 25.932734374999995
                [2] => 500
  21. temperature : array() of integer
    Search for hotels by temperature ranges. Unit is degrees Celsius.
    Elements of array :
    - [0] air temperature from,
    - [1] air temperature to
    - [2] water temperature from,
    - [3] water temperature to,
    Sample dump :
          [temperature] => Array
                [0] => 20
                [1] => 30
  22. tourOperator : array() of strings
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list.
    Sample dump :
          [tourOperator] => Array
                [0] => BVGT
                [1] => ITAK
                [2] => NPL
                [3] => TUIZ
                [4] => WEZY
  23. offerId : array() of strings
    Search for offers by offerId. It is possible to set multiple values.
    Sample dump :
          [offerId] => Array
                [0] => 23145
                [1] => -4263
                [2] => 41298
  24. xCode : array() of strings
    Search for offers by xCode. It is possible to set multiple values.
    Sample dump :
          [xCode] => Array
                [0] => 23145
                [1] => 4263
                [2] => 41298
  25. extOfferId : TextOfferId
    Read more here : TextOfferId
  26. offerCatalog : array() of strings
    Search offers by catalog name. It is possible to set multiple values. Array element should contain catalog name, e.g.: 3312
    Sample dump :
          [offerCatalog] => Array
                [0] => 3312
                [1] => KL12
  27. hotelCode : string
    Search offers by hotelCode/htlCode/obj_code name.
    Sample dump :
          [hotelCode] = 'HTL9892'
  28. text : array() of strings
    Search offers by offerId. Use prefix kod:[offerId]
    Sample dump :
          [text] => Array
                [0] => kod:-15378
  29. candy : array() of strings
    Search offers with additional bonus (candy).
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list array candy.
    Sample dump :
          [candy] => Array
                [1] => Internet free
                [3] => Ski Pass Gratis
                [10] => Boat/Cruise Gratis
                [18] => Free hotel bus
                [32] => Viza gratis
                [45] => Other
                [54] => Greetings dinner free
                [59] => Local attractions
                [60] => VIP Transfer
                [61] => Guarantee of constant prices
                [64] => For families
  30. xRoomType : array() of strings

    Search offers with additional room attributes. It's working only when searchParams['offerType'] != 'kolonie'.
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list array xRoomType
    Sample dump :
            [xRoomType] => Array
                [1] => Pokój
                [2] => jednoosobowy
                [3] => balkon
                [4] => wanna
                [7] => dwuosobowy
                [8] => trzyosobowy
                [9] => taras
                [11] => widok na morze
                [12] => widok na góry
                [13] => widok na park/ogród
                [14] => widok na basen
                [16] => klimatyzacja
  31. xCityFts : string
    Not standard search with additional attributes encoded in MDS xCityFts value.
    Using this field makes collision with 'city' filed.
    Sample dump :
            [xCityFts] = "|anttext|"
  32. roomCode : string
    Not standard search with roomCode encoded in MDS roomCode value.
    Sample dump :
            [roomCode] = "DBL"
  33. xCampType : array() of strings
    Not standard search with additional camp attributes.It's working only when searchParams['offerType'] == 'kolonie'.
    It is possible to set multiple values. You should use function getPossibleParams() to get permissible values list array xCampType.
    Sample dump :
          [xCampType] => Array
                [1] => Obozy
                [2] => Kolonie
                [3] => Zimowiska
                [6] => góry
                [11] => snowboard
                [12] => narciarstwo
                [13] => fitness / aerobik
                [14] => morze / plaża
                [15] => jeziora / pojezierza
  34. forceGroup : string
    Force grouping results by .
    Permissible values :
    • departureDate
    • departureFrom
    • tourOperatorCode
    • category
    • feeding
    • length
    • roomCode

    Sample dump :
            [forceGroup] => departureDate
  35. priceTotal : integer
    Returns total prices.
            [priceTotal] => 1

Additional parameters to create a view layer

  1. resultsPerPage : integer ;
    Sample dump :
          [resultsPerPage] => 10
  2. resultsPageNumber : integer
    Sample dump :
          [resultsPageNumber] => 10
  3. sort : array() of strings
    Define how to sort the results.
    Elements of the array :
    - [0] sort direction 'a' | 'd'
    - [1] sort type :
    - [n + 0] sort direction 'a' | 'd'
    - [n + 1] sort type :
    sort type acceptable values :
    • price - cena
    • hotelName - nazwa hotelu
    • roomType - pokoj
    • tourOperator - tour operator
    • serviceType - wyzywienie
    • ZVscore - Zoover - oceny
    • departureDate - data wyjazdu
    • departureFrom - wyjazd z
    • length - dlugosc
    • HCrecommendation - tylko dla HC - rekomendacje
    • HCscore - tylko dla HC - punkty
    • HCcount - tylko dla HC - ilosc ocen
    • hotelNameXCode - nazwa hotelu (unifikowana Merlinx)
    • hotelCategory - kategoria hotelu

    Sample dump ( simple sort ):
          [sort] => Array
                [0] => a
                [1] => hotelCategory

    Sample dump ( simple multi sort ):
          [sort] => Array
                [0] => a
                [1] => hotelCategory
                [2] => d
                [3] => HCrecommendation
  4. alternativeParamsOff : boolean
    Default alternativeParamsOff is set true
    If exists and is set true, then UDDS will not use and delivery alternative offers.
    Sample dump :
          [alternativeParamsOff] => true

Example of content

  $searchParams = Array
    [countryRegion] => Array
            [0] => Albania,Centralna Albania
            [1] => Albania,Riwiera Albańska
            [2] => Albania,Wyc. Objazdowe
            [3] => Chorwacja,
            [4] => Karyntia,Karyntia
            [5] => Austria,Tyrol
    [departureFrom] => Array
            [0] => Katowice
    [departureDateFrom] => 2011-06-07
    [adults] => 2
    [children] => Array
            [0] => 7

    [feeding] => Array
            [0] => Pełne wyżywienie

    [category] => Array
            [0] => 40
            [1] => 70

    [transport] => Array
            [0] => samolot
    [attributes] => Array
            [0] => Blisko centrum
    [rating] => Array
            [0] => 30
            [1] => 100
    [resultsPerPage] => 10
    [resultsPageNumber] => 1
    [tourOperator] => Array
            [0] => ATLS
            [1] => BEWR
            [2] => BFRE
            [3] => BVAF
            [4] => BVGT
            [5] => ECCO
            [6] => GROM

KSI Media ( www.ksimedia.pl ) - technical contact : maciej.szczepanski@ksimedia.pl