UDDS CLIENT - API Documentation version 4.01 ( 2022.04.22 )

About UDDS Client

Complex types



Online booking and payments


Implementation architectures

classUdds.php is a base for implementation of UDDS on your website - a UDDS Client library. You can download this file here : Download files. To run the library on a server you need to have ionCube loader installed ( http://www.ioncube.com/ ).

Model "easy use"

The simplest model of implementation is using UDDS Client connected to KSI's servers via internet.
     +-- Dedicated server ------------------+
     | MDS, GPS, Images, Reviewss databases |
     | UDDS Server                          |
                       \ /
     +-- Dedicated or virtual server -------+
     | UDDS Client + website                |
                       / \
                       \ /
         (          INTERNET          )

Model "for slow webservers"

Creation of a dedicated server network operating under control of a work Load Balancer is a more advanced UDDS implementation method. In this case the customer is required to provide servers and a Load Balancer
                       +-- Dedicated server ------------------+
                       | MDS, GPS, Images, Reviewss databases |
                       | UDDS Server                          |--------------------------------------+
                       +--------------------------------------+                                      |
                          |                              |                                           |
                          |                              |                                           |
                         \ /                            \ /                                         \ /
                          v                              v                                           v
     +-- Dedicated or virtual server -----+    +-- Dedicated or virtual server -----+   +-- Dedicated or virtual server -----+
     | UDDS Client + website              |    | UDDS Client + website              |   | UDDS Client + website              |
     +------------------------------------+    +------------------------------------+   +------------------------------------+
                          ^                              ^                                           ^
                         / \                            / \                                         / \
                          |                              |                                           |
                          |                              |                                           |
                         \ /                            \ /                                         \ /
                          v                              v                                           v
                       | Load Balancer                                                                  |
                                                       / \
                                                       \ /
                                         (          INTERNET          )

Model "for an efficient webserver"

     +-- Dedicated server ----------------+    +-- Dedicated server ----------------+   +-- Dedicated server ----------------+
     | MDS, GPS, Images, Reviews (...)    |    | MDS, GPS, Images, Reviews (...)    |   | MDS, GPS, Images, Reviews (...)    |
     +------------------------------------+    +------------------------------------+   +------------------------------------+
     | UDDS Server                        |    | UDDS Server                        |   | UDDS Server                        |
     +------------------------------------+    +------------------------------------+   +------------------------------------+
                          ^                              ^                                           ^
                         / \                            / \                                         / \
                          |                              |                                           |
                          |                              |                                           |
                         \ /                            \ /                                         \ /
                          v                              v                                           v
                       | Load Balancer                                                                  |
                                                       / \
                                                       \ /
                                   +-- Efficient dedicated web server ----+
                                   | UDDS Client                          |
                                   | Webservice                           |
                                                       / \
                                                       \ /
                                         (          INTERNET          )

KSI Media ( www.ksimedia.pl ) - technical contact : maciej.szczepanski@ksimedia.pl