UDDS CLIENT - API Documentation version 4.01 ( 2022.04.22 )

About UDDS Client

Complex types



Online booking and payments


udds->getPossibleParams ( function )

Description :

  • Call : udds->getPossibleParams ( $expectedParamsLists )
  • Class element : method / function
  • Result : array
  • This function uses the following properties : udds->searchParams

Using this function you can obtain lists of possible values to be used for creation of parameter selection lists in the search window (a country list or boarding types).


$expectedParamsLists : array (). In this array you can give searchParams names(as keys) for which you want to obtain possible values. Permissible values for array keys (searchParams names)are in the list below.
  • city
  • feeding
  • category
  • tourOperator
  • offerName
  • departureFrom
  • length
  • roomType
  • departureDate
  • catalog
  • transport
  • country
  • region
  • countryRegion
  • attributes
  • offerType
  • xRoomType
  • xCampType
  • sort
  • candy



    // example file
    require_once ( 'classUdds.php' ) ;    
    $udds = new classUdds ;
    $udds->myLogin = [ Your UDDS Login ] ;
    $udds->myConfigId = [ Your UDDS ConfigId ] ;
    $udds->srvUrl = [ Your UDDS Server ] ;

    $udds->searchParams = array() ;
    $udds->searchParams [ 'country' ] = array ( 'Australia', 'Meksyk', 'Egipt' ) ;
    $udds->searchParams [ 'adults' ] = 2 ;
    $expectedParamsLists = array () ;
    $expectedParamsLists [ 'countryRegion' ] = null ;
    $expectedParamsLists [ 'tourOperator' ] = null ;    
    $expectedParamsLists [ 'departureFrom' ] = null ;
    $possibles = $udds->getPossibleParams ( $expectedParamsLists ) ;
    print_r ( $possibles ) ;
    unset ( $udds ) ;


Live mode example:

    [countryRegion] => Array
            [Australia] => Array
                    [0] => Wyc. Objazdowe

            [Egipt] => Array
                    [0] => Dahab
                    [1] => Hurghada
                    [2] => Kair
                    [3] => Marsa Alam
                    [4] => Sharm El Sheikh
                    [5] => Wyc. Objazdowe

            [Meksyk] => Array
                    [0] => Cancun
                    [1] => Riviera Maya
                    [2] => Wyc. Objazdowe


    [tourOperator] => Array
            [0] => BVBX
            [1] => BVPR
            [2] => ECTR
            [3] => EXIM
            [4] => OASI
            [5] => PLES
            [6] => RNBW
            [7] => SFPL
            [8] => WEZY

    [tourOperatorFullName] => Array
            [BVBX] => Best Reisen Exotic
            [BVPR] => Prima Holiday
            [ECTR] => Ecco Travel
            [EXIM] => Exim Tours
            [OASI] => Oasis Tours
            [PLES] => Nomade
            [RNBW] => Rainbow
            [SFPL] => Sun & Fun
            [WEZY] => Coral Travel

    [departureFrom] => Array
            [0] => Berlin
            [1] => Bydgoszcz
            [2] => Gdańsk
            [3] => Katowice
            [4] => Kraków
            [5] => Lublin
            [6] => Poznań
            [7] => Praga
            [8] => Rzeszów
            [9] => Warszawa
            [10] => Wrocław
            [11] => Zielona Góra


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