UDDS CLIENT - API Documentation version 4.01 ( 2022.04.22 )

About UDDS Client

Complex types



Online booking and payments


What is a UDDS Client

UDDS Client is simple PHP Class that allows you connect to UDDS Server. The client allows for independent creation of a website presenting holiday offers and an advanced offer search engine.
The idea of using UDDS is quite simple. Comprehensive creation of a website consists of 5 steps.

Search window ( STEP 0 )

To obtain data necessary to build search window you should use udds->getPossibleParams() method.

Region list ( STEP 1 )

To obtain data necessary to build region list you should use udds->getRegionsList() method.

Offer list ( STEP 2 )

To obtain data necessary to build offer list you should use udds->getOffersList() method.

Offer details ( STEP 3 )

To obtain data necessary to build offer details window / offer presentation you should use udds->getOffer() method.

Offer date lists ( STEP 4 )

To obtain data necessary to build date lists you should use udds->getOfferDates() method.

KSI Media ( www.ksimedia.pl ) - technical contact : maciej.szczepanski@ksimedia.pl